My Goals

A view of the Goleta foothills .

My goals at the District are straightforward:

---To make sure the Goleta Water District continues to be a steady, reliable provider of quality water service to everyone in the Goleta Valley--for those of us here now, and for future generations. 

---And, of course, to be sure that the District continues with the lowest overall water rates of public water agencies on the South Coast.

These goals are easy to state, but you need energy, focus and the ability to work well with others in order to accomplish them. Patience helps, too.  

I have spent my time in office doing serious work with my board and staff colleagues, listening to our community, and getting the job done.

There’s always more to do. It is critically important that the District continue every effort to prepare for an uncertain climate future.  Recent years have given us a respite from drought, but have brought intense storms and flooding. We must continue to prepare for climate extremes, including always being ready for wildfires.

I’m very proud of the District's vigorous environmental sustainability efforts, and I am intent on continuing to reduce the District's carbon footprint.  The District is on track to be a Net Zero energy user, for its baseload needs, in 2025.  That is a big deal.

I’m eager to continue the District’s successful efforts to seek and get State and federal grant funding for key projects.  That includes a two million dollar grant toward the District's first new well in forty years, drilled this past year.

I look forward to continuing our positive regional interactions, as we have done, and will need to continue doing, in tackling challenges at Lake Cachuma.

Smart board decisions will be important.  Successful collaboration with our colleague agencies will be vital.  That means working well with other water agencies, with the cities of Goleta and Santa Barbara, and with the County.

In all of these efforts, understanding of the participants and deep knowledge of the issues are essential.  The stakes in providing this lifeline service to our community are too high—a board member can’t be naive and can’t be un-ready.

I understand the stakes and I am ready.  It would be my distinct honor to continue serving our community on the Goleta Water District board.                                         

                              ---Lauren Hanson